Your travel agent would, and it may only be just the one call to the right person to sort it out and get you to safety. Will the internet help you when things go wrong?
In light of recent international crisis both natural and unexpected, now more than ever it is essential to have a Travel Agent by your side. When millions of people are put in a situation OR destination they aren’t familiar with, hearts start to race and panic sets in. Would you know who to call in a natural disaster?
Your travel agent would, and it may only be just the one call to the right person to sort it out and get you to safety. Will the internet help you when things go wrong?
Have you read the fine print? Terms and conditions are becoming overwhelmingly complicated as more and more operators cover themselves. Are you sure your credit card insurance will pay out that claim if you didn’t purchase your holiday on the right card? There are so many variables that you may not be aware of but a travel agent can sort through the clutter and confusion and make sure 100% covered.
When it comes to booking deals, many people believe that booking online is a better option because you have the ability to check ALL the deals on in a matter of minutes. However, a good travel agent will know how to find the best deals even when they can’t be found online. They have links to many airline and hotel suppliers that allow them large negotiated deals – better than what you will find online.
A travel agent is much more than a person who books a trip. A travel agent acts as an advocate for their clients and will look after them from start to finish. They can make any vacation easier for you by streamlining your flights, accommodation, transfers, tours and visas. In addition, travel agents are extremely helpful when it comes to travelling to exotic and less known destinations. Why waste your time reading endless online reviews when your travel agent may have experienced the destination or works with someone that can provide you with first hand experience.
Even though using the Internet to book a trip sounds attractive and convenient, the truth is, people usually spend hours analysing things and checking offers. They also have to read online reviews to figure out whether an offer is good or not. Of course, many of these online reviews are usually paid and not genuine. On the other hand, a good travel agent will do their best to find the most attractive deals offered by reliable sources and have the knowledge to recommend it themselves.
Looking for a hotel online? That hotel that you think is perfect only to find out it’s ‘Sold Out’ is not always sold out technically. Many properties will hold inventory just for travel agents and when they book with agents they tend to offer the best available if it means repeat business.
Contrary to popular belief, booking your travel online will not always work out cheaper. Depending on what kind of travel you are booking, some travel agents don’t charge any booking fees and obtain commissions through their supplier. They are providing you with a quality service that you won’t receive talking to a computer. Try calling your online booking engine when something goes wrong. Who do you call when your flight is cancelled that you booked online? Your travel agent is an asset in times of need with the ability to re book flights instantly, make sure your connecting flights are manageable and save you time, money and stress.
Each country has rules and regulations that are constantly changing and if you are not personally advised, you may be entering a country without the correct documentation or understanding of their laws. A travel agent can predetermine what kind of visa you will need (if required) and advise you of the current rules for entering that country.
So what does that mean for you overall? It means that you are getting the knowledge, experience, peace of mind and 24/7 assistance absolutely FREE! Knowing that wherever you are in the world you have assistance in an emergency is priceless. Without a travel agent, you’re on your own.
12 Browning Street, South Brisbane, Qld Australia 4101
International Ph: +61 7 3004 6666
ATAS Accredited # A12558